Sunday 2 June 2013

Common Mechanisms

Modeling is all about communication. The UML already gives you all the tools you need to visualize, specify, construct, and document the artifacts of a wide range of software-intensive systems. However, you might find circumstances in which you'll want to bend or extend the UML.

Notes are the mechanism provided by the UML to let you capture arbitrary comments and constraints to help illuminate the models you've created. Notes may represent artifacts that play an important role in the software development life cycle, such as requirements, or they may simply represent free-form observations, reviews, or explanations.

Stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints are the mechanisms provided by the UML to let you add new building blocks, create new properties, and specify new semantics. For example, if you are modeling a network, you might want to have symbols for routers and hubs; you can use stereotyped nodes to make these things appear as primitive building blocks. Similarly, if you are part of your project's release team, responsible for assembling, testing, and then deploying releases, you might want to keep track of the version number and test results for each major subsystem. You can use tagged values to add this information to your models. Finally, if you are modeling hard real time systems, you might want to adorn your models with information about time budgets and deadlines; you can use constraints to capture these timing requirements.

The UML provides a textual representation for stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints. Stereotypes also let you introduce new graphical symbols so that you can provide visual cues to your models that speak the language of your domain and your development culture.


A note that renders a comment has no semantic impact, meaning that its contents do not alter the meaning of the model to which it is attached. This is why notes are used to specify things like requirements, observations, reviews, and explanations, in addition to rendering constraints. A note may contain any combination of text or graphics as shown in the below figure:

Other Adornments

Adornments are textual or graphical items that are added to an element's basic notation and are used to visualize details from the element's specification. For example, the basic notation for an association is a line, but this may be adorned with such details as the role and multiplicity of each end. In using the UML, the general rule to follow is this: Start with the basic notation for each element and then add other adornments only as they are necessary to convey specific information that is important to your model. Consider the below example:


The UML provides a language for structural things, behavioral things, grouping things, and annotational things. These four basic kinds of things address the overwhelming majority of the systems you'll need to model. However, sometimes you'll want to introduce new things that speak the vocabulary of your domain and look like primitive building blocks.

When you stereotype an element such as a node or a class, you are in effect extending the UML by creating a new building block just like an existing one but with its own special properties (each stereotype may provide its own set of tagged values), semantics (each stereotype may provide its own constraints), and notation (each stereotype may provide its own icon).

In its simplest form, a stereotype is rendered as a name enclosed by guillemets (for example, <<name>>) and placed above the name of another element. As a visual cue, you may define an icon for the stereotype and render that icon to the right of the name (if you are using the basic notation for the element) or use that icon as the basic symbol for the stereotyped item. All three of these approaches are illustrated in the below figure:

Tagged Values

Everything in the UML has its own set of properties: classes have names, attributes, and operations; associations have names and two or more ends (each with its own properties); and so on. With stereotypes, you can add new things to the UML; with tagged values, you can add new properties.

A tagged value is not the same as a class attribute. Rather, you can think of a tagged value as metadata because its value applies to the element itself, not its instances. For example, as the below figure shows, you might want to specify the number of processors installed on each kind of node in a deployment diagram, or you might want to require that every component be stereotyped as a library if it is intended to be  deployed on a client or a server.

In its simplest form, a tagged value is rendered as a string enclosed by brackets and placed below the name of another element. That string includes a name (the tag), a separator (the symbol =), and a value (of the tag).


With constraints, you can add new semantics or change existing rules. A constraint specifies conditions that must be held true for the model to be well-formed. For example, as below figure shows, you might want to specify that, across a given association, communication is encrypted. Similarly, you might want to specify that among a set of associations, only one is manifest at a time.

A constraint is rendered as a string enclosed by brackets and placed near the associated element.

Common Modeling Techniques

Modeling Comments

The most common purpose for which you'll use notes is to write down free-form observations, reviews, or explanations.

To model a comment,

  • Put your comment as text in a note and place it adjacent to the element to which it refers. You can show a more explicit relationship by connecting a note to its elements using a dependency relationship.
  • Remember that you can hide or make visible the elements of your model as you see fit.
  • If your comment is lengthy or involves something richer than plain text, consider putting your comment in an external document and linking or embedding that document in a note attached to your model.
  • As your model evolves, keep those comments that record significant decisions that cannot be inferred from the model itself, and unless they are of historic interest discard the others.

Consider the below example:

Modeling New Building Blocks

To model new building blocks,

  •  Make sure there's not already a way to express what you want by using basic UML.
  • If you're convinced there's no other way to express these semantics, identify the primitive thing in the UML that's most like what you want to model (for example, class, interface, component, node, association, and so on) and define a new stereotype for that thing.
  • Specify the common properties and semantics that go beyond the basic element being stereotyped by defining a set of tagged values and constraints for the stereotype.
  • If you want these stereotype elements to have a distinctive visual cue, define a new icon for the stereotype.

Consider the following example:

Modeling New Properties

To model new properties,

  • First, make sure there's not already a way to express what you want by using basic UML.
  • If you're convinced there's no other way to express these semantics, add this new property to an individual element or a stereotype.

Below figure shows four subsystems, each of which has been extended to include its version number and status. In the case of the Billing subsystem, one other tagged value is shown the person who has currently checked out the subsystem.

Modeling New Semantics

To model new semantics,

  • First, make sure there's not already a way to express what you want by using basic UML.
  • If you're convinced there's no other way to express these semantics, write your new semantics as text in a constraint and place it adjacent to the element to which it refers. You can show a more explicit relationship by connecting a constraint to its elements using a dependency relationship.
  • If you need to specify your semantics more precisely and formally, write your new semantics using OCL.

For example, below figure models a small part of a corporate human resources system:

To assert that a manager must also be a member of the department is something that cuts across multiple associations and cannot be expressed using simple UML. To state this invariant, you have to write a constraint that shows the manager as a subset of the members of the Department, connecting the two associations and the constraint by a dependency from the subset to the superset.

Other Examples 



Tagged Values:



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